Ken Welsh is the Project Manager and has overall responsibility for the archaeological project.

Paul Murray is the Senior Project Officer and is responsible for ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the project team.

David Crawford-White is the Outreach Officer. He is responsible for planning and coordinating community involvement in the project.

Phil is site director. Phil organises the site and liaises with Kent County Council regarding the archaeological programme of works.

Principal Archaeological Officer with Kent County Council. Simon is both the client for this scheme and the monitoring body for KCC.

Senior Archaeological Consultant with Atkins. Andrew manages the Archaeological Works on behalf of the joint venture contractor VolkerFitzpatrick Hochtief.

Ellie is the on site Finds Officer. Ellie an the finds team wash, record and box finds from the excavation in the site laboratory.

Tori runs the archaeological surveying on site. Tori produces figures for technical reports, site plans and updates the GIS that contains archaeological data.